Food and Farm Council of Riley County and City of Manhattan
Konza Student Table
Konza Student Table helps fight food insecurity among K-State students by providing a free, tasty and nutritious meal every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. This effort is a partnership that involves multiple community organizations.
Donations to Konza Student Table are accepted through Greater Manhattan Community Foundation. Checks can be written to Greater Manhattan Community Foundation (with Food and Farm Council/Konza Student Table on the memo line) to: Greater Manhattan Community Foundation, PO Box 1127, Manhattan KS 66505.
Volunteers help pack meal boxes each week on Wednesday afternoons at Kramer Dining Center, and another group of volunteers helps distribute the boxes later that day in the parking lot next to St. Isidore’s at 711 Denison Ave.
How to volunteer
100,000+ meals served since initiation Fall 2020
“You are ALWAYS here! Besides the great food, you want to hear about my week, you offer a smile, this program is great.”
KSU Student
“I love to volunteer for Konza Student Table. It really is students helping students.”